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Resources are categorised according to their primary theme and listed in alphabetical order. While we recognise that all forms of oppressions operate intersectionally, organising resources in this way provides ease of access for those looking to address a particular issue.

Academic Resources

How to Ungrade is an article by Jesse Stommel discussing an alternative approach to learning and feedback.

Anti-Racism Resources

Queering The Field.png

Black Music Matters is an advocacy organisation for the rights of Black musicians, artists, arts educators, and entertainment professionals.


Scaffolded Anti-Racism Resources is a collection of resources to guide conversations on race, organised by subtopic.


A masterlist of anti-racism resources, organised by format, subtopic, and location. Many thanks to Plot Twist.

Trans Resources

Blurring the Binary is an online resource aimed at educators addressing trans students in music education.



We want to extend our gratitude to Amelia Pereira (University of Bristol) for participating in our panel on ‘LGBTQ+ Mental Health in University Music Departments’ at the conference of the Royal Musical Association in September 2018. Amelia has kindly provided a link to their blog as a resource for our trans members and trans allies:


Amelia Pereira (they/them/she/her) is a technician in the School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol but is also a member of the Staff LGBT+ Network and sits on the University of Bristol LGBT+ Committee as Trans Rep. Amelia’s work on the committee is to provide support and advice to transgender, non-binary and gender fluid staff members at the University as well as work with the committee on many Uni-wide topics under the LGBT+ umbrella. Amelia is also a musician and has toured the USA and EU as a drummer, guitarist, vocalist, merchandiser and tour manager around the world’s DIY punk and rock scene. They also write an online blog about their journey as a trans person in society today, offering advice and support as well as anecdotes and experiences surrounding their life, coming out story and everything in between.

©2019 by LGBTQ+ Music Study Groups. Created with

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